Ken Wyner is not so much a person as he is an alchemical experience. In a room full of people, he exerts at the same time, overwhelming centripetal and centrifugal forces, and always from the center. He is the summation of boundless love, in no small part derived from the most intense pain--and of sublime visual beauty, likewise informed by a sensitivity to the utter starkness that resides in all corners of the world.
Ken, the consummate architectural photographer, is also the designer of his own two homes--an architect in his own right. But above and beyond those worldly talents, his greatest passion, and the force that guides and informs his work, is to tap into the mystic energy that lives in our hearts and spirits, and to weave these into a fabric, into a community.
To that effect, he has launched a blog—how mundane that sounds!—Ken has created a virtual environment, using words and images as the warp and weft he shares with us to weave together.
So I recommend a visit to: